June 6, 2012

Jj Kent Wisdoms Shared....

If you want to understand and learn about the Native American Culture, you want to take a moment to listen to this Teacher, Songwriter, Musician and most of all Gentle Man as he shares with us a small look into the Red Road.

"I am proud to represent the teachings of my elders from the Oglala Lakota Indian Nation."
 ~ Jj Kent

This is a man who truly walks his talk.   He does it unconditionally with love and respect for all life around us.  A true Modern Peace Keeper sharing the medicine of life with anyone willing to listen.  Passing along to the next generations what has been passed to him. 

Jj Kent, his Lakota name, Wicasa Ho’ Waste’, meaning “Good Voice Man," is known throughout the world as a player of the indigenous Northern Plains flute, and as a traditional storyteller, cultural educator, speaker, dancer and recording artist.  From his early Lakota influences and from this extended family in the world, he shares his beautiful and spiritually healing music to create a resonant chord of celebration for All Our Relations.  Jj won "Flutist of the Year" at the 2009 NAMMY Awards in Niagara Falls, New York and was in the running for a Grammy award.

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