February 27, 2013

The 13 Grandmothers ~ Or Moons....

Each of the Grandmother Moon's ....has wisdom to share. Their teachings are not only about the sacred feminine, for men too can learn from their light. Each Moon asks you to consider mentally reviewing the ‘then and now’ in your life as you assess things with each new Moon cycle. By seeing where you’ve been in the past and what’s changed as a result of walking consciously with the Grandmothers you’ll see the value in their lessons. The focus each Moon... should be on taking the negatives and transmuting things positively, getting a feel for the truths you’re recognizing and understanding how to apply them in your daily life.
*February ushers in "Wisdom Keeper" who is the Teacher that brings forth lessons about Honoring the Truth. She teaches us the Arts of Self-development and Expansion. Through her we learn how to access Mother Earth’s Memory, enhance our personal recall, tapping into ancient wisdom and knowledge. In this way we come to understand the wisdom that every life form holds as well as their missions. We learn how to be a friend and to restore friendship by honoring the viewpoints of all life forms through honoring the truth. Wisdom Keeper reminds us that all history is kept in the libraries of the Stone People and that to access that history, we must learn to hear their voices for they record the Remembering for the Earth Mother. 
She helps us see that to honor the truth of all that has been, we must tap more than human awareness, cultural traditions or stories. The history of all that has happened on our planet is forged in stone so it’s in the body of the Earth Mother we are presented with tangible records. She also shows us how to honor the truth as it is seen from each person's Sacred Point of View because all individuals experience life's events in a different manner. Here, by honoring our own truths we honor our own sense of self-development and learn to allow others to do the same. Every new understanding of the truths that others carry adds to our personal knowledge base, and our experiences bring us wisdom. This further creates the development of a right relationship to All Our Relations within ourselves.
Look for the book "The 13 Original Clan Mothers" by Jamie Sams... it is a very good read!!! Or... scroll though our "Two Moons Talking" show archives.

~ Luv, River*

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February 26, 2013

Heaviness of Spirit

Heaviness of Spirit

My question was for AA Raphael – I sometimes feel like our spiritual journey leads us not to the light but into the darkness. I say this because even through what is meant to be helpful is perceived to be something totally different. Saying something that you feeling is right and true but not necessarily what needs to be said or heard. Which of course tends to overwhelm us, creating doubt about our integrity, exposing our shortcomings, making us second guess who and what we truly are and why or for whom are doing it for. WHY do I feel like the weight of the world is on my Shoulders?  Is it that I have placed her there?

The Answer my child is simple, the moment you stop causing suffering to yourself of others by things perceived or otherwise is the moment you release the need to walk a path of suffering, a path of pain and a path of fear.  You become lighter in spirit, in thought and in body. As for your spiritual journey it only goes where you tell it to for you are the creator of your experiences/life/lessons. Remember the darkest hour may be the most illuminating one of your life. For you see if you have never walked in the darkness you can never know the light!

Rev Anne Rose

February 24, 2013

Darkest Before the Dawn

Darkest before the Dawn

I am Archangel Haniel you know me by this; 
I represent the glory and grace. I am the one who sees God. My month is December; my flower the Rose, my color is the deepest of emeralds and 4 leaf cloves. I came for a visit to share some insight; with the one they call Illumination for I am drawn to her light. Each of us has a shining light within; when we use this as a collective there is no way that we will not win.

My message is quick yet very strong “It’s always darkest before the dawn”. Hear me dear ones for I know what I say. Right now the energy is high and feelings are hot, the weight of the world puts you on the spot. Stay true to you though at times it feels rough, stand strong for the ripples you make will be waves before long. Just when you think you can’t know that you can.

The changing of one letter is part of the plan. Haven becomes Heaven and can’t becomes can. How simple is that woman to man. Change how you think, changes what you become. Now add in the love and guess what, we’re done. Changing what you think allows you to be who you truly are.

A spark of the divine, an earth formed star. Given the ability to shine when you believe as we do, for it is the divine essence that flows through you. Trust in you for we do. So let your heart soar and your internal flame ignite for it is time to shine your brightest of brights.

Shine on Illumination

Rev Anne Rose

*photo by Cynthia North Photography

February 21, 2013

"Woulda, Coulda Shouldas’"... ~ Rev Anne Rose Illumination

It is time to step out of our comfort zones! For some of us this may bring opportunities to deal with fear, doubt and or insecurities that we have been harboring. We have all heard it before the woulda, coulda, shouldas’. 

This is about using this unique gift to bring about the much needed change that for reasons only you know you were unable to follow through on or make in the past. This is about A new year, A new you and A new consciousness. 

If and only if you decide the new you is for you then you WILL evolve, shift, grow, learn and teach others to do the same. For we all learn by example, (some better than others) such as visual, physical, emotional, mental, and or spiritual. Let it be known that there are no longer masters of the universe. For we are all servants, servicing the greater consciousness of all! 

 May you see the illumination of these words, hear the thunder when I speak, feel the passion in my heart, and know the truth will set you free. 
Blessings Peace and light,

 Rev Anne Rose/Illumination

February 16, 2013

Yolanda Martinez

Take time to listen to the messages that our dear Sister Yolanda Martinez shares with the world as she uses voice and drum to send healing out to the Great Mother and all the Universe.

This year she has been nominated and is up for her film and DVD Desert Woman.  Please take a moment to sign up for free and vote at the Native American Music Award site....

Share the sounds and information that Yolanda shares with us all, and help heal the Great mother Earth and the people that occupy her.

Yolanda is a Healer, Sacred Drum Maker and a Voice that is meant to be heard... Please check out her website and see when she will be visiting your area, or book a drum workshop with her and allow her to teach you how to create and birth the Drum!

Yolanda Martinez Drums, Music and Bookings


Vote Now at Native American Music Awards 

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